Minggu, 05 Juli 2015

conditional sentences

if clause type 1 : 
If + S +Present Tense, S + Future tense
Contoh :
§  If I have money, I will buy that book.
(Jika saya mempunyai uang, saya akan beli buku itu).
§  If You come to my house, I will cook special food.
(Jika kamu datang ke rumah saya, saya akan memasak makanan special).
Kalimat pengandaian pada tipe ini mengacu pada masa depan. Suatu tindakan di masa depan akan terjadi jika kondisi pada saat itu terpenuhi. Kita tidak tahu pasti apakah kondisi itu akan terjadi atau tidak, namun kemungkinan suatu hal itu terjadi sangatlah besar atau dapat dikatakan suatu kenyataan dapat diprediksi.

if clause type 2 :
If + S + Past Tense, S + Past Future Tense
Contoh :
§  If I were you, I would come to that party.
(Jika saya jadi kamu, saya akan datang ke pesta itu).
§  If she came on time, She would get that ticket.
(Jika dia datang tepat waktu, dia akan mendapatkan tiket itu).
Tipe ini digunakan untuk membicarakan di masa kini dan masa depan. Tentang sesuatu yang tidak mungkin terjadi atau ada kemungkinan terjadi, tapi kita tidak bisa memastikannya.

if clause type 3 :
if + S + Past Perfect Tense, S + Future Past Perfect Tense
                Contoh :
§  If he had driven carefully, he would have not got accident.
(Jika dia menyetir dengan hati-hati, dia tidak akan mengalami kecelakaan).
§  If my mother had permitted me to go, I would have attended that event.
(Jika ibu saya mengijinkan saya untuk pergi, saya akan menghadiri acara itu).
Pada kalimat di atas menggambarkan tentang situasi di masa lalu. Pada pola ini menyatakan tentang suatu penyesalan di masa lalu yang karena peristiwa yang tidak mungkin diulangi lagi.

Senin, 20 April 2015


Adjective clause is to modify or change a noun or (noun) that address clarify noun afterwards. The adjective here make little difference intent on noun (noun).
And usually adjective (adjective) is in front of the noun.
(A)   I met a pretty girl
      If we describe it pretty is (adjective), and the girl is (noun)

It is clear that the adjective in the sentence above aims to provide information on the noun after that movie ..

example adjective followed by a noun clauses noun

I met a girl who is pretty +

 who is pretty is an adjective clauses, which is the purpose of it is to further clarify the previous noun ..

In studying adjective clauses first thing that should be studied is the use of Who and Whom, here's how:

(A) Use of WHO

The girl is beautiful. She lives in Banda Aceh

description: She above are subject pronoun, which means the girl

to make us change the adjective clause She had become WHO. Who will serve as a subject pronoun, and WHO herein shall mean the girl, and the result will be like this:

The girl lives in Banda Aceh WHO is beautiful

and do not forget to put the verb at the end of the last sentence is beautiful example that follows adjective clauses.

(B) Use of Whom

The applicability Whom occur if use is happening to change the object pronoun .... example:

The girl is beautiful i saw her

Obviously the above sentence the girl are in the object pronoun that is her, the object pronoun for Whom we have to wear .... the result will be like:

The girl Whom i saw is beautiful

all changes in the same position as in who, only the most important and necessary diiingat is to subject pronoun we use who, in Whom we use object pronouns, and adjective or adjective always be at the end

(C) further use of that

To adjective clauses That can also be used as a substitute for, apart from the WHO and Whom.
That can be used anywhere either on the sentence that requires the WHO and also Whom the following example:
The girl lives in Banda Aceh WHO is beautiful

The girl that lives in Banda Aceh is beautiful

so also with Whom

The girl Whom I SAW is beautiful

the girl that I SAW is beautiful

only to the object pronoun if held without adding Whom or that also justified

the girl i saw is beautiful <--- correct (also true)


Noun clause is a clause (a combination of two or more words that consist of Subject and Verb but not yet perfectly formed sentences) that functions as a noun (noun) so that it can function both as subject and object of the sentence.


know you lie to me. You lie to me is a combination of several words that contain the subject (you), verb (lie) and even objects (me), but it can not be said that the perfect sentence because of its position in the sentence is the object of the sentence I know.

Sabtu, 21 Maret 2015

About Me

Name: Sabrina Ferbella Gianti
Class: 4EA10 NPM: 16211535
Management Major
Faculty Of Economics
Subjects: English Business
Assignment/ Writing: Softskill 1st week
About Me
Hi, my name is Sabrina Ferbella Gianti, I was born in the city of Jakarta, July 14th, 1993 grew up in a modest family with great affection. My small family built by Ronny Gunawan (as Papa) and Rusmiyati (Mama) and there is other important figures, namely, Freggy Januar Ramanda (brother), Andreas Pribadi (brother) and I Sabrina Ferbella Gianti (writer ).
On the paragraph above, it can be concluded that I was the only daughter of the most pampered, all the things that I want always to be follows, and I am very grateful to live in a warm atmosphere of this family.
Papa is a figure who serves as guardian figure our family, Papa's body is not big and stocky with a pile of muscles. But Papa became a role model family, no day passed without any affection from him. Papa could be firm and gentle figure at the same time, why is that? Because Daddy knows what he has to give, and he did as a father to the child and his family.
Mama serves as a gentle figure, mama who always strive to understand and meet the needs of children, yes indeed mama seem more talkative when compared with papa. But Mama always give small gifts through the dishes she made for us at home.
My 2nd child of 3 brothers, Freggy is the first son, as his duties as the first brother or breadwinner Freggy born with similar properties like Papa, brother knows what he must do to replace the figure of papa when not at home. Andreas was the youngest brother who spent the rest of his vacation to help activities at home. Andre has a lot of hobbies, but he knows how make time to help job mama. Andre to be the most dependable when we all (Papa, Freggy and I) are not at home.
For additional, in this paragraph will be explained a little information about who I am, what my interests and hobbies, and about what I want to achieve for the future and what I've achieved before.
Like the other girls, I also got special treatment from parents, my brothers. Born with talent captious, born on Wednesday, blood type O and my zodiac is Cancer. I’m interested in culinary, like listening to music, take a walk when saturated and aspires to become an international cheerleaders and go international.
What I'm doing and concentrating on currently? I'm struggling to be responsible for my promise to Papa as soon as possible at this time to finish my study program at the University of Gunadarma in Department Of Management Economics S1. Just like any other campus, here I get a new environment, a new atmosphere, new friends, and new tensions because I was not familiar.
This campus is a place where all the circumstances and atmosphere into one, a place that gives me a lesson about the experience the way of thinking with a new perspective. Many things I have learned from here, there are many things I need to understand myself and sometimes difficult to understand.
Talk about my interests and hobbies, since high school I've been fond of dancing, I proved it by following the cheerleaders and joined a team of TOC (Thirty One Cheerleaders) exercise for the sake of exercise I did more or less 3 times in 1 week. And not wasted my time training to fruition in a race (Pop Mie Cheerleaders) I am very grateful that our team was ranked 10 out of 50 participants, and it is the result of a very proud. The activity lasted for four years, because of other things and so I decided to quit the cheers activities.

This is the end, but this is beginning to focus my pursuit of the goals and ideals of me that has not been achieved even earlier delayed. Thanks SFG ~

phrasal verb

Sabrina Ferbella G / 16211535
Phrasal Verb
Phrasal verbs are usually two-word phrases consisting of verb + adverbor verb + preposition. Think of them as you would any other English vocabulary. Study them as you come across them, rather than trying to memorize many at once. Use the list below as a reference guide when you find an expression that you don't recognize. The example sentences will help you understand the meanings. If you think of each phrasal verb as a separate verb with a specific meaning, you will be able to remember it more easily. Like many other verbs, phrasal verbs often have more than one meaning.